Semiconducting materials
- +Main Categories
- +Engineering (82)
- +Mechanical systems and components (7)
- +Fluid systems and components (9)
- +Manufacturing engineering (7)
- +Energy and heat transfer engineering (1)
- +Electrical engineering (15)
- Electrical engineering. General (1)
- Magnetic materials (0)
- Insulating materials (0)
- Insulating fluids (0)
- Semiconducting materials (0)
- Superconductivity and conducting materials (0)
- Electrical wires and cables (0)
- Insulation (0)
- Components. Electrical equipment (1)
- Electrical accessories (4)
- Switchgear and controlgear (0)
- Lamps and related equipment (3)
- Rotating machinery (0)
- Transformers. Reactors (0)
- Rectifiers. Converters. Stabilized power supply (0)
- Cells and batteries (0)
- Power transmission and distribution networks (6)
- Electrical equipment. Special conditions (0)
- Electric traction equipment (0)
- +Electronics (11)
- +Road vehicles engineering (6)
- +Railway engineering (6)
- +Shipbuilding and marine structures (1)
- +Aircraft and space vehicle engineering (15)
- +Materials handling equipment (4)
- +Military engineering (0)